Crazy Water as you know is an all-natural mineral water. In the early 1900's, mineral water was available throughout the United States. Texas author Gene Fowler wrote a book "Crazy Water- The Story of Mineral Wells and other Texas Health Resorts" were he talks of dozens of health resort towns just in Texas. Mineral water was a way of life throughout the US until the 1950's. Sadly today, Crazy Water appears to be the only still (meaning not bubbly) bottled mineral water that is still sourced and bottled in the United States.
As the water industry continually evolved, mineral water fell from fashion. Prescription drugs became more readily available and the public moved away from preventative care to modern medicine in the 1950’s. Bottled water had is new beginnings in the 1970’s as a healthful, convenient alternative. As tap water containment issues began to rise and the American family became even busier, bottled water sales and market competition sky rocketed. With many more players in the game, prices and profit margins were driven down. This led manufactures to the new niche market of enhanced waters.
As the consumer walks the water aisle in their grocery store, the countless types and brands of water can be quite confusing. Certain changes are being made to bottled waters that you should be aware of. First off, water is the source of life. Every single physiological function or chemical reaction in the body cannot take place without it. So the type of water you choose becomes very important. Let’s break bottled waters down into the following categories: Purified, enhanced/altered and mineral.
Purified bottled waters
Purified water is water from any source that is physically processed to remove impurities. Reverse osmosis (RO) is one of the most commonly-used methods for bottled water. The advantage of the RO process includes the removal of contaminants such as fluoride, lead, and chlorine (all of which are things we should all avoid as much as possible, to be sure). It is easy to understand why we would think the reverse osmosis process would be healthy. Unfortunately, the reverse osmosis process also strips the natural water of its minerals constituents, leaving it tasteless and acidic. Consuming food and water devoid of minerals dilutes your bodily supplies and wreaks havoc on your body in the long run. In addition, the RO method of contaminant-removal also causes the water to become more acidic. Acidic water (i.e., water with a relatively low PH level) causes calcium and other essential minerals to be stripped from our bones and teeth. [1]
Purified water’s popularity made market entry easy for the big beverage manufactures. Natural water companies tend to stay near the source. The source is where mother nature picked and is often not conveniently located near a major highway for shipping or in the middle of a densely populated area. But you can purify water anywhere, with any water source, which made it easy to bottle purified waters. Many purified waters are taken from city water supplies and purified before bottling.
Crazy Water No. 1 is purified using reverse osmosis. It is because we believe the body benefits from the minerals that we don’t promote No.1, but we respect our customers’ right to chose by continuing to make it available. No. 1 comes from our deep well and it starts out with a pH of 7.6. After the RO process, its pH is 5.2. We have discovered that by adding back just a touch of the unpurified water we can re-alkalinize it NATURALLY back to its original pH. No machines, no chemicals. We are proud to announce that Crazy Water No. 1 is now NATURALLY alkaline water!! We have Craig Keaton and Brian Johnson of The Movement, Dallas to thank for simple discovery.
Enhanced and Altered bottled waters
The public was learning that they were missing the minerals from their purified bottled waters and wanted more. The enhanced/altered waters—also dubbed functional, fortified, fitness or designer waters—promise health benefits beyond mere hydration. They claim to rejuvenate, replenish and restore the body, even to enhance vision, stamina or brain power with names that sound more like aromatherapy than beverages. A key problem for enhanced beverage makers is that many of the additives are synthetic and don't enhance the taste. That's why marketers camouflage the taste with sweeteners and berry, citrus and other flavorings.
Your water should not contain sugars or other additives. Time published the linked article below and brands like Vitamin water are under attack. “The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), to lead a class action claiming that Coca-Cola is violating consumer-protection laws with its Vitamin water brand. According to CSPI nutritionists, Vitamin water's sugar content more than offsets any advertised health benefits provided by the nutrients in the drink. ‘They added vitamins to crap,’….. Consumers shouldn't have to assume that the front of a label is a lie. You cannot deceive in the big print and tell the truth later.”
Read more at:
Is Vitaminwater Really a Healthy Drink? By Sean Gregory
Coca-Cola's Vitaminwater adverts branded 'dangerously misleading' by U.S. consumer group
This quote I found about a popular bottled water- “’ultra clean’ purified drinking water has a different chemical structure than regular water, which gives (this) water a higher boiling point, higher surface tension and lower viscosity.” Should your drinking water have a different chemical structure than nature intended? [2]
Mineral Water-
To be a mineral water, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration requires that the water must contain no less than 250 parts per million (ppm) total dissolved solids and it must contain no added minerals. Sources are tested regularly to ensure safety (Crazy Water No.2 contains 680 TDS, Crazy Water No.3 has 1300 TDS, and Crazy Water No.4 contains 2700 TDS). Mineral waters contain trace minerals and electrolytes that your body needs. Nature has provided the perfect mix of dissolved solids (minerals) in these natural waters and their essential minerals are more readily utilized by our cells. Crazy Water naturally contains trace minerals and electrolytes, bicarbonates and a high pH and alkalinity. It’s that simple.
Many of us believe in organic, natural gardening and processes for our food. We search out products with ingredients that read like a recipe (note if a third grader can’t sound it out, you should not eat it). Water should be held to the same accountability. Water does not need to be made into a “Miracle Grow”. It needs to remain water, not genetically altered, added to or enhanced. I think they all just really want to be CRAZY, but can’t.
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